I have authored around 45 academic peer reviewed journal articles, which have been cited more than 3600 times.
You can get access to most of these via my profile in Google Scholar.
Dennis, A., Joseph, J., Greenwell, K., Miller, S., Vennik, J., Dennison, L., Holt, S., Bradbury, K., Ainsworth, B., Yardley, L,. Little, P., Geraghty, A. A qualitative process evaluation of a nasal spray intervention to prevent respiratory tract infections (Under review).
Dennis, A. Joseph, J., Greenwell, K., Miller, S., Vennik, J., Dennison, L., Holt, S., Bradbury, K., Ainsworth, B., Yardley, L., Little, P., Geraghty, A. Experiences of using a physical activity and exercise digital intervention to reduce respiratory tract infections: a qualitative process evaluation. (Under review)
Dennison, L., Boxall, C., Miller, S., Joseph, J., Lim, S, Western, M., Grimmet, C., Yardley, L., and Bradbury, K. Qualitative study of implementing Active Lives digital health intervention ‘in the wild’; barriers and facilitators to organisational adoption and spread. (Under review)
Corser, J. Dennison, L., Coles-Kemp, L., Dawes, H., Mansoubi, M., Cooper, G., Weightman, A., Haron, A., Bishop, F., Lamb, S., Pighills, A., Bradbury, K. Appreciating the complexity of frailty and user context in digital health intervention design: a qualitative study with personas (Under review)
Corser, J., Dennison, L., Bradbury, K et al. Socksess - understanding the needs and preferences of people with diabetes to help co-design a smart sock and feedback system for prevention of diabetic foot ulcers (Under review)
Taher, R., Bhanushal, P., Allan,, S Alvarez-Jimenez, M., Bolton, D., Dennison, L. et al. (2024). Bridging the gap from medical to psychological safety assessment: consensus study in a digital mental health context. British Journal of Psychiatry Open, 10 (4), e126
Little, P., Geraghty, A., Rumsby, K., Stuart, B., Becque, T., Moore, M., Francis, N., Hay, a., Verheij, T., Bradbury, K., Greenwell, K., Dennison, L. Holt, S., Denison-Day, L., Ainsworth, B., Raftery, J., Thomas, T., Butler, C., Richards-Hall, S., Smith, D., Patel, H., Williams, S., Barnett, J., Middleton, K., Miller, S., Johnson, S., Nuttall, J., Webley, F., Sach, T, Yardley, L and Geraghty, A. (2024) A randomised multi-arm, open label trial of nasal sprays and a behavioural intervention for acute respiratory illness in primary care. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.
Ng, K Y B., Glowacka, M., Dennison, L, and Cheong, Y. (Submitted). Lay persons views on current and novel methods of fertility assessment and supporting conception: A Qualitative Study.
Vennik J., Geraghty., A., Martinson, K., Yardley, L., Stuart, ., Moore, M., Francis, N.; Verheij, T., Bradbury, K., Greenwell, K., Dennison, L., Williamson, S., Denison-Day, J., Ainsworth, B., Raftery, J., Zhu, S., Butler, C., Richards-Hall, S., Little, P. Determining the clinical and cost-effectiveness of nasal spray interventions and physical activity and tress management intervention to reduce respiratory tract infections in primary care: A protocol for the ‘Immune Defence’ randomised controlled trial. PLoS One, 18 (7), e0285693
Pinto, C., Geraghty, A.W., Pagnini, F., Yardley, L & Dennison, L (2023). How do people with MND and caregivers experience a digital mental health intervention? A qualitative study, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1083196.
Owen, C Roberts, H., Gaulton, C., Dennison, L. (2022) Perceptions of people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers of falling and falls-related healthcare services- a qualitative study, PLoS One. 17 (10), e0276588
Ghio, D., Muller, I., Vestergren, S., Mandangu, C., Dennison, L., Sykes, K., Boyle, R., Santer, M. (2022) Parents’ concerns and understandings around excessive infant crying: qualitative study of discussions in online forums. Social Science and Medicine: Qualitative Research in Health, 2; 100146
Williamson, S., Dennison, L*., Greenwell, K., Dennison-Day, J., Mowbray, F., Richards-Hall, S., Smith, D., Bradbury, K., Ainsworth, B., Little, P & Yardley, L. (2022). Using nasal sprays to prevent respiratory tract infections: a qualitative study of online consumer reviews and primary care patient interviews. BMJ open, 1e0596612. *Joint first authors
Pinto, C., McLoughlin, C.; Geraghty, A.W., Yardley, L, & Dennison, L. (2022). Experiences of psychological interventions in neurodegenerative diseases: a systematic review and thematic synthesis. Health Psych Review, 12, 1-23.
Dennison, L., Williamson, S., Greenwell, K., Handcock, M., Bradbury, K., Vennik, J., Yardley, L., Little, P and Geraghty, A W. (2022) Patient recurrent respiratory tract infections and prevention strategies; a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 12:e055565
Pinto, C., Geraghty, A.W., Yardley, L, & Dennison, L. (2021) Emotional Distress and wellbeing among people with Motor Neuron Disease (MND) and their family caregivers: a qualitative interview study. BMJ Open, 11(8).
Morton, K., Dennison, L., Band, R., Stuart, B., Wilde, L., Cheetham-Blake, T., Heber, E., Slodkowska-Barabasz., Little, P., McManus, R., May, C., Yardley, L., Bradbury, K. (2021). Implementing a digital intervention for managing uncontrolled hypertension in Primary Care: a mixed methods process evaluation. Implementation Science, 16(57)
Goldsmith, K., Hudson, J., Chalder, T., Dennison, L., Moss-Morris, R (2020). How and for whom does supportive adjustment to multiple sclerosis cognitive-behavioural therapy work? A mediated moderation analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy. Vol 128, 103594.
Owen, C, Ibraham, K, Dennison, L., Roberts, H. (2019). Falls self-management interventions for people with Parkinson’s: a systematic review. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, 9(2), 283-299.
Easton, S., Morton, K., Tappy, Z., Francis, D., and Dennison, L. (2018). Young People’s Experiences of Viewing the Fitspiration Social Media Trend: Qualitative Study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20 (6), e219.
Dennison. L., Brown, M., Kirby, S., Galea, I (2018). Do people with multiple sclerosis want to know their prognosis? A UK Nationwide study, PLoS One, 13 (2), e0193407.
Morton, K., Dennison, L., Bradbury, K., Band, R., May, C., Raftery, J., Little, P., McManus, R., Yardley, L (2018). Qualitative process study to explore the burdens and benefits of a digital intervention for self-managing high blood pressure in Primary Care in the UK, BMJ Open, 8(5), e020843
Morton, K., Dennison, L., May, C., Murray, E., Little, P., McManus, R., & Yardley, L (2017). Using digital interventions for self-management of chronic physical health conditions: A meta-ethnography review of published studies, Patient Education and Counselling, 100 (4), 616-635
Mosweu, I., Moss-Morris, R., Dennison, L., Chalder, T., and McCrone, P. (2017) Cost-effectiveness of nurse-delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy compared to Supportive Listening for adjustment to multiple sclerosis, Health Economics Review, 7 (1), 36
Dennison, L., McCloy Smith, E., Bradbury, K., Galea, I. (2016). How do People with Multiple Sclerosis Experience Prognostic Uncertainty and Prognosis Communication? A Qualitative Study. PLOS One, 11(7): e0158982
Arden-Close, E., Smith, E., Bradbury, K., Morrison, L., Dennison, L, Michaelides, D., and Yardley, L. (2015). A visualisation tool to analyse usage of web-based interventions: The example of Positive Online Weight Reduction (POWeR). JMIR Human Factors, 2(1) e8.
Dennison, L., Morrison, L., Lloyd, S., Phillips, D., Stuart, B., Roderick, P., Michie, S., Murray, E., Little, P., & Yardley, L. (2014). Does brief telephone support improve engagement with a web-based weight management intervention? A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(3), e95.
Bradbury, K., Dennison, L., Little, P., and Yardley, L. (2014). Using Mixed Methods to Develop and Evaluate an Online Weight Management Intervention. British Journal of Health Psychology, 20(1)45-55.
Morrison, L., Hargood, C., Lin, S., Dennison, L.,Joseph, J., Hughes, S., Michaelides, D., Johnston, D., Johnston, M., Michie, S., Little, P., Smith, P., Weal, M., and Yardley, L. (2014). Understanding Usage of a Hybrid Website and Smartphone App for Weight Management: a mixed methods study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(10).
Moss-Morris, R., Dennison, L., Landrau, S., Silber, E., Yardley, L., & Chalder, T. (2013). A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of cognitive behavioral therapy for adjusting to Multiple Sclerosis (the saMS trial). Does it work and for whom does it work? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81(2), 251.
Dennison, L. Moss-Morris, R., Yardley, L., Kirby, S.,& Chaldler, T. (2013). Change and processes of change within interventions to promote adjustment to Multiple Sclerosis; learning from patient experiences. Psychology and Health, 1, 1-20.
Dennison, L , Morrison, L., Conway, G. & Yardley, L (2013). Opportunities and Challenges for Smartphone Applications in Supporting Health Behavior change: Qualitative Study, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(5), e86.
Moss-Morris, R., McCrone, P., Yardley, L., Van Kessel, K., Wills, G., Dennison, L. (2012). A pilot randomised controlled trial of anInternet-based cognitive behavioural therapy self-management programme (MS Invigor8) for multiple sclerosis fatigue. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50(6), 415-421.
Dennison, L., Stanbrook, R., Moss-Morris, R., Yardley, L., Chalder, T. (2010) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Psycho-education for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in young people: reflections from the families’ perspective. British Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 167-183.
Arden-Close, E.; Moss-Morris, R.; Dennison, L.; Bayne, L.; Gidron, Y. (2010). The Couples’ Illness Communication Scale (CICS): development and evaluation of a brief measure assessing illness-related couple communication. British Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 543-599.
Dennison, L. & Moss-Morris, R. (2010). Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: what benefits can it offer people with Multiple Sclerosis? Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 10(9), 1383-1390.
Dennison, L., Moss-Morris, R., Silber, E., Galea, I., & Chalder, T. (2010). Cognitive and behavioural correlates of different domains of psychological adjustment in early stage Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 69(4), 353-361.
Dennison, L., Yardley, L., Devereux, A., & Moss-Morris, R. (2010). Experiences of adjusting to early stage Multiple Scleorosis; the patient's perspective. Journal of Health Psychology, 16(3), 478-488.
Dennison, L. Moss-Morris, R. & Chalder, T. (2009). A review of psychological correlates of adjustment in patients with multiple sclerosis. Clinical Psychology Review, 29, 141-153.
Bogosian, A., Moss-Morris, R., Yardley, L & Dennison, L (2009). Experiences of partners of people in the early stages of multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 15(7), 876-884.
Moss-Morris, R. Dennison, L., Yardley, L., Landau, S., Roche, S., McCrone, P., & Chalder, T. (2009). Protocol for the saMS trial (supportive adjustment for multiple sclerosis): A randomized controlled trial comparing cognitive behavioral therapy to supportive listening for adjustment to multiple sclerosis.BMC Neurology, 9, 45.
Yardley, L., Dennison, L., Coker, R., Webley, F., Middleton, K., Barnett, J., Beattie, A., Evans, M., Smith, P., Little, P. (2009). Patients’ views of using the Alexander Technique and exercise for managing back pain. Family Practice, 27(2), 198-204.